Ratchet Constructs, LLC
ART by Rachael Juzeler ​

| Creative Thought | | Work Ethic | | Contradiction |

{about Rachael Juzeler}
I walk a fine line between hoarder and artist. My artwork focuses on creative reuse —the most current term for what I’ve been doing over the years— so I live amongst the organized chaos of my many ‘collections’ of rust, glass, wood, fibers, textiles and tesserae. I’ve found I have an extreme talent for seeing possibilities in what others would consider trash, and turn detrius into works of art; chandeliers, mosaics, textiles and sculptural pieces.
I have used the term ‘project ADD’ to explain my thought process and lifestyle. I try to exercise creative thought on a daily basis, which allows for tremendous possibilities as I navigate my artistic career and existence. I use my practice of creative thought, as well as my belief in work ethic and contradiction, in my work teaching, building and creating art.
I am endlessly fascinated by the antiquity and ruins of my surroundings. I have developed a strong sense of place in regards to SE Alaska, which, in turn, has significantly influenced my work. Inspiration is easily found where I live on Douglas Island (Sayéik) in a historic house with the Treadwell mine ruins a step out my door.
Using skills developed through the years in glass, ceramics, wood, metal, textile and craft mediums, I create my work deconstructing & reconstructing objects from the hoards of materials I collect. My ultimate goal is to be able to illuminate my vision of the beauty found in discarded items, re-assembling and re-imagining their purpose, while bringing our societal waste stream issues to light.